Category Archives: Announcements

March Events at the Committee for the Study of Religion

March 3: Bryan Turner (Sociology, The Graduate Center)
“Islamophobia versus Islamofascism: The Role of Advocacy Concepts in Sociology” March 9: Shehzad Nadeem (Sociology, Lehman College and the Graduate Center)
“Bourgeois Bodies: How Yoga was Made Middle Class and Modern” March 16: Jon Keller (Government, Manhattan College)
“Happiness in the Old Testament” March 30: Matthew Baxter (Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard [read more»]

2015–16 Seminar: Personal Happiness & Successful Societies

The annual theme (2015-2016) for the seminar series for the Committee for the Study of Religion is the analysis of religion and ‘successful societies’ and how success could be measured and explained. Various indicators have been used in the policy studies to measure ‘social wellbeing’ but they are typically organized under three main clusters of namely health, wealth and happiness. [read more»]